User Content Guidelines
Share design work
- We welcome high-quality visual design.
- Submit static designs, animations, 3D, UI/UX prototypes, or any other visual design project you want to share. Except...
- Don’t submit duplicates of work already on our directory
- Don’t submit promotional content
- Don’t submit videos, showreels, or tutorials
Don’t share copyrighted or trademarked content
If the content you are submitting for review was not created by you, make sure it’s publicly accessible for sharing. We will give due credit to the owner.
Don’t share content that is:
- Illegal
- Pornographic, mature in content, or overtly sexual
- Racist, sexist, or otherwise offensive
- Grotesque, or obscene
- Inflammatory
Muzli does not claim ownership or copyright to any of the submitted content. If a copyright infringement claim is made regarding submitted content,the content will be removed and the submitted user will be blocked from future submissions. Read more about our Privacy and Terms of Use.
After submission of your content, the Muzli team will review it to decide if it’s suitable for the Muzli directory. We will keep you posted via email.