“When was ever honey made with one bee in a hive?”

Publish your content on the Muzli Medium publication & reach over 200,000 creatives.

Here are some useful tips, guidelines and information about the publication process to keep in mind.

We will publish

We’re looking for articles, lists, insights, opinions, tutorials and case studies on Inspiration, User Interface Design, Usability, Interaction Design, Prototyping, Product Design, and any other topic that relates to designing and building digital products, art & design industry.

Make sure your article has a clear value to our readers so they can take something away in a way that will impact their daily lives.

We won't publish

If you’re trying to sell something, good luck, but you’re in the wrong place. Including products, books, courses, tools, events, apps, companies, brands, ads or articles whose author is a brand or business.

In order to keep the quality and unprejudiced nature of our channel, we maintain the privilege to decline articles that don't align with our goals and convictions. This is subjective by nature – so kindly don't take it personally.

This is how it’s going to work

  • Send your draft or published article to medium@muz.li via email, with a one sentence description of what your article is about.
  • Medium only allows articles to be published to one publication at a time. If your article has already been published with a different publication, we are not allowed to request it to https://medium.muz.li/
  • Make sure your Medium account settings allow you to be contacted via email. Otherwise, we won’t be able to request the article to https://medium.muz.li/
  • We will review articles and get back to you within ~3 business days.
  • If approved, we will add a link to our newsletter.
  • Once your article is published with us, we ask you to not remove it from our publication for at least 6 months.
  • Please note that we reserve the right to add links from relevant/contextual phrases in the article to other blog posts or relevant Muzli properties, without amending or changing the original meaning.

Let's go!

Email your link
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