Twitter creative list — a treasure trove for designers

Published by Muzli on March 5, 2024
Twitter creative list — a treasure trove for designers

Top twitter accounts every designer should follow

Okay, we might have gone a bit overboard with the ‘every designer should follow,’ but seriously, these accounts are worth checking out. Prepare to be inspired!

Dive into the ultimate collection of user experience design brilliance! Our carefully curated Twitter list is your gateway to a world brimming with creativity and innovation. From seasoned designers to emerging talents, from design agency to art sources, we’ve got it all covered.

Rest assured, we’ve sifted through countless accounts to bring you only the finest selection. But hey, if you think we’ve missed a hidden gem, let us know! Drop a tag in the comments section of our tweet.

However, if you believe we’ve overlooked a gem, don’t hesitate to tag them under the shared tweet of this post on our twitter account!

Muzli — @usemuzli

Zhenya Rynzhuk — @Zhenya Rynzhuk

Claudio Guglieri — @claudioguglieri

Noah Levin — @nlevin

Andreas Storm — @avstorm

Eric Snowden — @ericsnowden

microbians — @microbians

geo – @geometrieva

Trent Walton — @TrentWalton

Lionel Durimel — @lioneldurimel

doodles — @doodles

Stef Walter — @WalterStephanie

Fons Mans — @FonsMans

Fabricio Teixeira — @fabriciot

Tobias van Schneider — @vanschneider

Melissa Mendez — @melydelmar06

DANN© — @DannPetty

anais iris — @Anais_Iris_L

cyd — @cydstumpel

Shaban Iddrisu™ — @shabaniddrisu

ˏˋrogieˎˊ — @rogie

Louis Paquet — @lpaquet83

Gal Shir — @galshirart

Manisha Verma — @manishaaverma

Halli — @iamharaldur

Charles Patterson — @CharlesPattson

Gil Huybrecht — @gilhuybrecht

Isabel Moranta — @MorantaIsabel

Gleb Kuznetsov — @glebich

Eckler by Design — @daniel_eckler

Xavier (Jack) — @KMkota0

Victor Work — @victorwork_

Sepide Moqadasi —**** @sepide_moqadasi

vijay verma — @realvjy

Sebastiaan de With — @sdw

Dennis Snellenberg — @codebydennis

Cassie Evans — @cassiecodes

Zander Whitehurst — @zander_supafast

Lea Verou — @LeaVerou

Niccolò Miranda — @niccolomiranda

Daniel Lepik — @lepikdaniel

Brett @ Designjoy — @BrettFromDJ

Adrian — Motion Design — @adrianinmotion

Richard Ekwonye — @ekwonye

Jessica Hische — @jessicahische

Brian Athey — @brianathey

zeldman — @zeldman

Bill S Kenney — @BillSKenney

Vita Spenser — @vitaspenser

Ben Geskin — @BenGeskin

Molly Hellmuth — @molly_hellmuth

Julien — @JulienRenvoye

william — @williamchanner

Linus ●ᴗ● Ekenstam — @LinusEkenstam

Julie Zhuo — @joulee

Zac Nielson — @ZacheryNielson

Mizko — @mizko

AndreaJelic — @AndreaJelic3

Oğuz — @oguzyagizkara

Dmitry Novikov — @novikoff

Lily Konings — @lilykonings

Pablo Stanley — @pablostanley

Joey Banks — @joeyabanks

jonathan da costa — @jonathandc

Luke Wroblewski — @LukeW

Karim Maaloul — @yakudoo

Aakanksha Mirdha — @mirdhaaakanksha

jordan singer — @jsngr

RΞNN — @rennesis

Jared Spool — @jmspool

Andrea Mata — @esandreamata

Pierre Georges — @pierre__georges

Francesco Michelini — @fra_michelini

Célia Lopez — @CliaLpz

luis. — @disco_lu

Arnau Ros Salvador — @arnau_design

Soren Iverson — @soren_iverson

Nidia Dias — @ImNidiaDias

James Owen — @jamesowenco

Jordan Jenkins — @jkane

Mirko Santangelo — @mirkosantangelo

FAEL — @faelpontopt

Margherita Fortuna — @mfortunae

Gaétan Pautler — @gaetanpautler

Vitaly Friedman — @vitalyf

Mikha Makhoul — @jokerboks

Alex Frison de Isla — @AlexFisla

Linda Eliasen — @littlenono

Michael Janiak — @michael_janiak

croasan — @croa_san

Romain Avalle — @RomainAvalle

awwwards. — @awwwards

Domestika — @Domestika

Wix Studio — @WixStudio

Framer — @framer

Webflow — @webflow

Readymag — @readymag

Spline — @splinetool

Figma — @figma

mymind by @mymind

Antinomy Studio — @AntinomyStudio

EPIC Agency — @epicwebagency

14islands — @14islands

tubik — @tubikstudio


AKFN Studio — @akufen

Holographik — @Holographikco

Akaru — @Akaru_agency

Bruno — @callbrunoagency

Spring/Summer — @SprngSmmr

Microsoft Design — @MicrosoftDesign

Synchronized Studio — @synchronized_st

obys — @obys_agency

Numbered — @numbered_studio

Hello Monday/DEPT® — @hellomondaycom

Build in Amsterdam — @buildinams

F Λ N T Λ S Y — @F_i

Merci-Michel ® — @MerciMichel

Adoratorio Studio — @adoratorio_std

ramotion — @ramotion

Unseen Studio® — @uns__nstudio

Immersive Garde — @Immersive_g

Aristide Benoist — @AristideBenoist

Active Theory — @active_theory

Exo Ape — @ExoApe

Locomotive® — @LocomotiveMTL

Cuberto — @cuberto

Behance — @Behance

Dribbble — @dribbble

FWA — @fwa

Codrops — @codrops

CSS Design Awards — @cssdesignawards

abdz. — @abduzeedo

Off-Grid — @offgrid_design

MINIMALISSIMO ® — @minimalissimo

GSAP — @greensock

Webdesigner Depot — @DesignerDepot

Colossal — @Colossal

Design Week — @Design_Week

Design Milk — @designmilk

designboom — @designboom

My Modern Met — @mymodernmet

Creative Review — @CreativeReview

the Design Museum — @DesignMuseum

DesignObserver — @DesignObserver

99designs by Vista — @99designs

DesignApplause — @DesignApplause

Co.Design — @FastCoDesign

Pentagram Design — @pentagram

If you believe we’ve overlooked a gem, don’t hesitate to tag them under the shared tweet of this post on our twitter account!

Muzli — @usemuzli


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