Design Inspiration

404 (page not found) design inspiration

A curated collection of 404 pages to inspire you in your web or mobile UI/UX design process.

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Last update: 3/25/2025

Error 404

Error 404

Just created 404 Error Page. Hope you like it. Thanks.

Error 404

Error 404

Whoops! 404 Not Found Try to

404 Error

404 Error

404 Error page for a funeral website company.

404 Error page.

404 Error page.

Hello friends, This is the alternative version of the 404 page of a personal website.

404 error page

404 error page

Hey guys! Glad to share with you my new illustration for 404 page. Enjoy!

404 Error page

404 Error page

Hello everyone, 404 page template using the illustrations form our latest pack: CLICK HERE What makes this store special is the ability to actually decide what you want to get, and not be limited by what it’s got to offer at the moment. I think it came out pretty neat, what do you guys think? thanks and don't forget to leave some love ❤️ Would love to hear your feedback on my latest project! Thanks! 😊 More pages coming soon😇

404 Creatives: Exploring the Artistry of 404 Error Page Design

404 Creatives: Exploring the Artistry of 404 Error Page Design

via Muzli design inspiration hubLooking for more daily inspiration?Download Muzli extension — your go-to source for design inspiration!Is there a pattern for designing good 404 UI?Welcome to the realm of 404 pages, also known as “404, Page Not Found”, where error messages transcend mere notifications and transform into canvases of creativity. These seemingly mundane digital dead-ends have evolved into captivating showcases of artistic expression, reflecting the ingenuity and personality of their creators.In this article, we delve into the significance of 404 pages, exploring how they serve as more than just error prompts but as opportunities for brands to engage, entertain, and leave a lasting impression on visitors. Broken links are a common occurrence on the web, often leading users to encounter the dreaded 404 error page when attempting to access a non-existent or moved page. While initially perceived as a frustration, these error pages have evolved into crucial elements of web design and user experience.From whimsical illustrations to witty quips, each 404 page offers a glimpse into the brand’s character and commitment to user experience. Incorporating humor, creativity, or helpful navigation options into a 404 page can transform a moment of disappointment into a memorable interaction.Join us on a journey through some of the most imaginative and thought-provoking 404 pages across the web, where every error becomes an invitation to explore the unexpected and embrace the delightful quirks of digital mishaps. By embracing creativity and functionality in their design, website owners can transform these error pages into valuable touchpoints that enhance user experience, reinforce brand identity, and contribute to overall site performance.404 Creative examples: Creatives: Exploring the Artistry of 404 Error Page Design was originally published in Muzli - Design Inspiration on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

404 Error Page

404 Error Page

Hello everyone, this is exploration for pages that you will not find. Tell me what you think :) Hope you like this __________________________________________________________________ Please follow our team @SLAB Design Studio for more cool stuff Ready to collaborate! Affordable and satisfaction guaranteed. Just shoot us an email at __________________________________________________________________ Follow our Instagram ● Facebook ● Behance Check our Website & let's chat on Skype

404 error

404 error

For 404 Error page. Cosmetics web Assumed in the site.

404 Error

404 Error

404 error for a website I'm working on

Empty State - Error Page 404

Empty State - Error Page 404

UI/UX Challenge. Emptystat - Error page for Niagahoster website Web hosting service. Case Study: ======================== An empty state or zero data state is an afterthought for many designers. Because it’s a temporary or minor part of the user experience. As far I concern in UX design these are commonly known as first use, user cleared and errors. In this time I try to experiment with errors empty state, how to optimize the empty state to provide a pleasant experience for users? Sometimes visitors website will have experience an empty state as part of an error. Most commonly due to lack of internet connection and missing page url. This is an oppurtunity to make them aware to engage and give an pleasant experience for them by giving them an extra discount regarding to this case. Constructive feedback are welcome, and don't forget to press L on your keyboard.

Error 404

Error 404

Error 404 page for a fictional floral service, Venus. -- Extra shoutout to Clay Boan for the invite, really excited to be a part of the community :)

404 Error Page Daily UI Challenge #008

404 Error Page Daily UI Challenge #008

Designed a 404 error page for a resource not found. The Design is made with a Strong typography mix with an elegant dog. Showing the connection couldn't be established. Share some love by pressing 'L' if you like this shot :) I am available for taking your project to next level. Let's discuss more about your business. Find out more Shoot me a mail @

Samplify 404 Error Page

Samplify 404 Error Page

A 404 error page on the Samplify survey tool dashboard. The goal was to design something charming and delightful for the user to see to mitigate frustration and negativity when they accidentally land on an error page.

404 Error screen.

404 Error screen.

Hai all Hope have a great weekend. Here is the latest shot for the screen of 404 error message. As Iam working on a parks website. Hope you like it.

Daily UI 008: 404 Error Page #DailyUI

Daily UI 008: 404 Error Page #DailyUI

#DailyUI 008: 404 Error Page The hint for day 008 is a 404 error page and message. I really didn't know where I'm going with this, as web design isn't really my forte. But I actually ended up really liking it! It's simple, eye catching, and guiding. Created in Figma, mockup frame for Macbook Pro.

Illustration 404 Error Page

Illustration 404 Error Page

Hello Dribbble Now here is the result of my current job. This is my exploration Illustration Error Page for Shopback. For the details, you can see on the attachments Thank you for your attention! I wish you like it. You also can press 'L' if you like my shot or follow me if you want to find my upcoming work easily. For commission project or collaboration project you can hit me on :

Error-blockchain 404 page

Error-blockchain 404 page

404 page designed for cryptocurrency trading websites.The construction of blockchain is the main illustration content. Thanks for your support!!

404 error page DailyUi

404 error page DailyUi

I continue to challenge DailyUi. Today's task was to make a 404 error page. I hope you like it.

Master 404 Error Page Designing #12hacks

Master 404 Error Page Designing #12hacks

I’m going to share the complete hacks regarding designing 404 page but before that understand why it’s happening and what are the consequences we have to face due to this. After understanding this as a designer we can design the best 404 pages with better user experience.Real-Life ScenarioWhen you are at an unknown place, and you get lost there, and neither you have the map. Now, you start getting frustrated.And at the time, if someone helps you to find your path. That’s feeling is great, agree?404 Error Page is similar to real-life problems and you just have to deal with it the same way as other problems.You can take 404 Page as an opportunity to make as welcoming, as engaging as possible to offer a variety of solutions to reduce customer frustration and let them stay on the site/app much longer.Default 404 Error PageIf you don’t take 404 Page seriously, not giving that much importance as another page then you have to face consequences.Bad NewsAs research concluded, 74% of customers leave the site after they face a 404-error pageGood NewsOnly 23% of visitors that encounter a 404 page make a second attempt to find the missing page.Understanding of ErrorTo create a best 404 page, you have to understand:The type of 404 errorWho causes this error?Type of 404 ErrorError 404 | HTTP 404404 File Not FoundThe page cannot be foundThe requested URL not found on this serverHTTP 404 Not Found | 404 Page Not FoundWho causes this error?Either it’s come from the user side or it's from the website side. Right?If the error is from the user side then they typed the link incorrectly. You can’t control what person type into their keyboard.Simple Categorization of ErrorSimple we can categorize 404 Errors in 3 Simple Parts:Page is deletedUser Type wrong URLThe link does not exist nowDiagrammatic View: 404 ConsequencesBut we have to understand that “Mistakes are a part of our lives"Now, after understanding what’s 404 is all about. Start designing it with proper hacks.Hack 1: Maintaining brand consistencyAlways maintain consistency with your fonts, themes, logo, header, footer like other pages. So, that you’ll find thisa page similar to others.Real website example:Qatar 404 Error pageHack 2: Provide NavigationProvide navigation on the 404 page so that users can navigate from that page to another page while remaining on your site.Real website example:Pexels 404 Error pageHack 3: Provide Search boxProviding a search box, you can easily navigate from the 404 page to any other page. It’ll give the opportunity to the user to type.Real website example:GitHub 404 Error pageHack 4: Showing emotionsYou can provide emotions to your 404-page design so that it’ll look more original and realistic like “oops”, “Ohh”, “Awhhk”, “Hmmm”. Here your main goal is to target people’s emotions.Real website example:Pixar 404 Error PageHack 5: Be ApologeticThe more important part of designing a 404 page always shows an apology, even if it’s user fault. The main goal of apology is that you are showing your user that you really value them.Real website example:Amazon 404 Error PageHack 6: Keep your error message simpleDon’t’ show scary text and image here. Always provide a simple and clear message to your user. “Minimalism is best for any design”. Plain language helps every user to understand why they are getting this 404 error page.Real website example:Linkedin 404 Error PageHack 7: Add useful links onlyAdd a popular page of your website or any other important links on your 404 Page. Don’t try to overload your 404 Page with too many links.Real website example:Airbnb Pixar 404 Error PageHack 8: Give Homepage Link [CTA]Adding the home page button is important to add to your 404 page so that users come back to the main page because they are lost. So, you’ve to guide them and bring them back.Real website example:Udacity Pixar 404 Error PageHack 9: Add a bit of fun by adding Image | Animation | IllustrationYou can use illustration/images/illustration, images related to your theme or product by combining 404 in mind.Real website example:Grammarly Pixar 404 Error PageHack 10: Show Popular PostsAdding a popular page on your 404 page provide varieties to the users to maintain their interest.Real website example:Flickr Pixar 404 Error PageHack 11: Use of interactivityProviding interactivity like adding games, quizzes, drawing, etc so that users can interact with your 404 page and don’t feel bore while seeing it.Real website example:Dev Pixar 404 Error PageDribbble Pixar 404 Error PageHack 12: Show matching resultsThis trick is also helpful as if your user did a mistake by typing ountain then you can show other results matching with the term that the user wrote. It'll also give varieties to users to explore.Real website example:Medium Pixar 404 Error PageIt doesn’t mean include all these elements on one page. The designer can make the decision base upon the requirement/priority.”404 Error Page Design: Don’ts Checklist1. Not treating the same way as other website pages.2. Blaming users that it's their mistake.3. Not giving enough information about the error.4. Not telling how to recover from the error.5. Overloading the page with many links6. Using the server's language for telling errors not user's language404 Error Page Design: Do’s Checklist1. Maintaining brand consistency2. Provide Navigation3. Keep your error message simple4. Show matching results5. Provide a Search box6. Give Homepage Link [CTA]7. Be Apologetic8. Show Popular Posts9. Add useful links only10. Add a bit of fun by adding Image | Animation | Illustration11. Showing emotions12. Use of interactivityIf you love this post, please give a like to boost my confidence to write more posts for this community. I’m also sharing a short microblog on my Instagram(designer.akash) page also.RegardsAkashMaster 404 Error Page Designing #12hacks was originally published in Muzli - Design Inspiration on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Error 404

Error 404

Daily UI - Day #008 - 404 Error

Daily UI - Day #008 - 404 Error

✦ This is the first time I try to use Procreate app and draw illustration on iPad, have to say this. It's so smooth, I think I will use this app daily to create my arts, the functions are so brilliant. You should give it a try! ✦ It's hard to imagine how irritated you are if you accidentally click on a dead link. This little piece of art will help users to calm down, give it a smile, and then come back Home page. Let's enjoy!!! 😊

Omantara - 404 Error Screen

Omantara - 404 Error Screen

Hello Dribbblers! 404 Error screen design for Omantara App. Omantara is meditation / mindfulness especially designed app to live a healthier, happier, more well-rested life in just a few minutes a day The goal of the project was to design an app that reflects calming, uplifting, powerful, joyful, intriguing and simplicity in every element. What do you think of it? Let me know in the comment section :) Check my other interesting work on: Behance I Medium | Instagram

404 Error

404 Error

404 Error pages are always a fun way to show some creativity and be a bit playful! What are your favorite 404s?

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Unlock more of 404 (page not found)

How to design a great and effective 404 page not found

Error pages can have diverse designs: it can be minimalist, funny, or reserved. Its design depends on your product and the mood you aim to create. For example, error page can have diverse designs: it can be minimalist, funny, or reserved. Its design depends on your product and the mood you aim to create.

We have a great article about 404 error page design principles you can't afford to ignore.

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